Task Definition YAML Templates

Many kinds of tasks are described using templated YAML files. These files allow some limited forms of inheritance and template substitution as well as the usual YAML features, as described below.

Please use these features sparingly. In many cases, it is better to add a feature to the implementation of a task kind rather than add complexity to the YAML files.


One YAML file can “inherit” from another by including a top-level $inherits key. That key specifies the parent file in from, and optionally a collection of variables in variables. For example:

  from: 'tasks/builds/base_linux32.yml'
    build_name: 'linux32'
    build_type: 'dbg'

Inheritance proceeds as follows: First, the child document has its template substitutions performed and is parsed as YAML. Then, the parent document is parsed, with substitutions specified by variables added to the template substitutions. Finally, the child document is merged with the parent.

To merge two JSON objects (dictionaries), each value is merged individually. Lists are merged by concatenating the lists from the parent and child documents. Atomic values (strings, numbers, etc.) are merged by preferring the child document’s value.


Each document is expanded using the PyStache template engine before it is parsed as YAML. The parameters for this expansion are specific to the task kind.

Simple value substitution looks like {{variable}}. Function calls look like {{#function}}argument{{/function}}.