
Many task kinds generate tasks by a process of transforming job descriptions into task definitions. The basic operation is simple, although the sequence of transforms applied for a particular kind may not be!


To begin, a kind implementation generates a collection of items. For example, the test kind implementation generates a list of tests to run for each matching build, representing each as a test description. The items are simply Python dictionaries.

The kind also defines a sequence of transformations. These are applied, in order, to each item. Early transforms might apply default values or break items up into smaller items (for example, chunking a test suite). Later transforms rewrite the items entirely, with the final result being a task definition.

Each transformation looks like this:

The config argument is a Python object containing useful configuration for the kind, and is a subclass of taskgraph.transforms.base.TransformConfig, which specifies a few of its attributes. Kinds may subclass and add additional attributes if necessary.

While most transforms yield one item for each item consumed, this is not always true: items that are not yielded are effectively filtered out. Yielding multiple items for each consumed item implements item duplication; this is how test chunking is accomplished, for example.

The transforms object is an instance of taskgraph.transforms.base.TransformSequence, which serves as a simple mechanism to combine a sequence of transforms into one.


The items used in transforms are validated against some simple schemas at various points in the transformation process. These schemas accomplish two things: they provide a place to add comments about the meaning of each field, and they enforce that the fields are actually used in the documented fashion.

Keyed By

Several fields in the input items can be “keyed by” another value in the item. For example, a test description’s chunks may be keyed by test-platform. In the item, this looks like:

        linux64/debug: 12
        linux64/opt: 8
        default: 10

This is a simple but powerful way to encode business rules in the items provided as input to the transforms, rather than expressing those rules in the transforms themselves. If you are implementing a new business rule, prefer this mode where possible. The structure is easily resolved to a single value using taskgraph.transform.base.get_keyed_by().

Task-Generation Transforms

Every kind needs to create tasks, and all of those tasks have some things in common. They all run on one of a small set of worker implementations, each with their own idiosyncracies. And they all report to TreeHerder in a similar way.

The transforms in taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/ implement this common functionality. They expect a “task description”, and produce a task definition. The schema for a task description is defined at the top of, with copious comments. The result is a dictionary with keys label, attributes, task, and dependencies, with the latter having the same format as the input dependencies.

These transforms assign names to treeherder groups using an internal list of group names. Feel free to add additional groups to this list as necessary.

Test Transforms

The transforms configured for test kinds proceed as follows, based on configuration in kind.yml:

  • The test description is validated to conform to the schema in taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/tests/ This schema is extensively documented and is a the primary reference for anyone modifying tests.
  • Kind-specific transformations are applied. These may apply default settings, split tests (e.g., one to run with feature X enabled, one with it disabled), or apply across-the-board business rules such as “all desktop debug test platforms should have a max-run-time of 5400s”.
  • Transformations generic to all tests are applied. These apply policies which apply to multiple kinds, e.g., for treeherder tiers. This is also the place where most values which differ based on platform are resolved, and where chunked tests are split out into a test per chunk.
  • The test is again validated against the same schema. At this point it is still a test description, just with defaults and policies applied, and per-platform options resolved. So transforms up to this point do not modify the “shape” of the test description, and are still governed by the schema in
  • The taskgraph.transforms.tests.make_task_description:transforms then take the test description and create a task description. This transform embodies the specifics of how test runs work: invoking mozharness, various worker options, and so on.
  • Finally, the taskgraph.transforms.make_task:transforms, described above under “Task-Generation Transforms”, are applied.

Test dependencies are produced in the form of a dictionary mapping dependency name to task label.