mozbuild.action package


mozbuild.action.buildlist module

A generic script to add entries to a file if the entry does not already exist.

Usage: <filename> <entry> [<entry> ...]

mozbuild.action.buildlist.addEntriesToListFile(listFile, entries)

Given a file |listFile| containing one entry per line, add each entry in |entries| to the file, unless it is already present.

mozbuild.action.buildlist.main(args) module

mozbuild.action.explode_aar module

mozbuild.action.explode_aar.explode(aar, destdir)

mozbuild.action.file_generate module

mozbuild.action.generate_browsersearch module

Script to generate the browsersearch.json file for Fennec.

This script follows these steps:

1. Read the file in all the given source directories (see srcdir option). Merge all properties into a single dict accounting for the priority of source directories.

  1. Read the default search plugin from ‘’.

3. Read the list of search plugins from the ‘’ properties with values identifying particular search plugins by name.

4. Read each region-specific default search plugin from each property named like ‘’.

5. Read the list of region-specific search plugins from the ‘’ properties with values identifying particular search plugins by name. Here, REGION is derived from a REGION for which we have seen a region-specific default plugin.

6. Generate a JSON representation of the above information, and write the result to browsersearch.json in the locale-specific raw resource directory e.g. raw/browsersearch.json, raw-pt-rBR/browsersearch.json.

mozbuild.action.generate_browsersearch.merge_properties(filename, srcdirs)

Merges properties from the given file in the given source directories.

mozbuild.action.generate_suggestedsites module

Script to generate the suggestedsites.json file for Fennec.

This script follows these steps:

1. Read the file in all the given source directories (see srcdir option). Merge all properties into a single dict accounting for the priority of source directories.

2. Read the list of sites from the list ‘browser.suggestedsites.list.INDEX’ and ‘browser.suggestedsites.restricted.list.INDEX’ properties with value of these keys being an identifier for each suggested site e.g. browser.suggestedsites.list.0=mozilla, browser.suggestedsites.list.1=fxmarketplace.

3. For each site identifier defined by the list keys, look for matching branches containing the respective properties i.e. url, title, etc. For example, for a ‘mozilla’ identifier, we’ll look for keys like: browser.suggestedsites.mozilla.url, browser.suggestedsites.mozilla.title, etc.

4. Generate a JSON representation of each site, join them in a JSON array, and write the result to suggestedsites.json on the locale-specific raw resource directory e.g. raw/suggestedsites.json, raw-pt-rBR/suggestedsites.json.

mozbuild.action.generate_suggestedsites.merge_properties(filename, srcdirs)

Merges properties from the given file in the given source directories.

mozbuild.action.generate_symbols_file module

mozbuild.action.jar_maker module


mozbuild.action.make_dmg module

mozbuild.action.make_dmg.make_dmg(source_directory, output_dmg)

mozbuild.action.package_fennec_apk module

mozbuild.action.package_geckolibs_aar module

Script to produce an Android ARchive (.aar) containing the compiled Gecko library binaries. The AAR file is intended for use by local developers using Gradle.

mozbuild.action.package_geckolibs_aar.package_geckolibs_aar(topsrcdir, distdir, appname, output_file)
mozbuild.action.package_geckolibs_aar.package_geckoview_aar(topsrcdir, distdir, appname, output_file)

mozbuild.action.preprocessor module


mozbuild.action.process_define_files module

mozbuild.action.process_install_manifest module

mozbuild.action.process_install_manifest.process_manifest(destdir, paths, track=None, remove_unaccounted=True, remove_all_directory_symlinks=True, remove_empty_directories=True, defines={})

mozbuild.action.test_archive module

mozbuild.action.webidl module


Perform WebIDL code generation required by the build system.

mozbuild.action.xpccheck module

A generic script to verify all test files are in the corresponding .ini file.

Usage: <directory> [<directory> ...]

mozbuild.action.xpccheck.verifyDirectory(initests, directory)
mozbuild.action.xpccheck.verifyIniFile(initests, directory)

mozbuild.action.xpidl-process module module

Module contents